42 events found.
Latest Past Events
Gardening for Bumblebees
Instructor: Rich Hatfield
(Please click on class title to read more)
--Pollinators are essential for healthy plants and gardens, and gardens and healthy plants are essential for pollinators.
What’s Buzzing? Supporting Pollinators in Your Backyard
Instructor: Lisa DeVetter
(Please click on class title to read more)
--Pollination is essential for the development of many of our favorite fruits and vegetables. Insects provide most of our pollination services, but many species are in decline.
Common Native Bees of Washington State
Instructor: Connie Mehmel
(Please click on class title to read more)
--This presentation is an introduction to several of the common and important native bees in Washington State, their life cycles, food plants, and ways to attract them to your garden or farm.